Monday, December 12, 2011

Is it possible to change the password of a wireless connection?

original password is made of several numbers given by my modem.

i want to personalize my password.

i don't want my neighbor to have access to my connection (he is getting access through an ipod touch)|||Most modems/routers allow you to connect to a configuration page via a special webpage on them. Here you can change a variety of things, including the wireless password.

If possible I would also encourage you to change other settings too:

* Change the SSID to something else. Devices ship with the same default SSID, making it easier for folks to find it, including unwanted users like your neighbor.

* Turn off SSID broadcast. This prevents the modem/router from announcing itself, again makes it harder for your neighbor to find it. (alternatively, wait until you update your devices to use the new password, THEN turn broadcast off. Your devices will still work.)

* Use WPA2 (if supported) and a good password like "I like daisies 2!!!!!!!!!" easy to remember, hard to guess.

You will need to reconfigure all your computers, laptops, etc. that use your home's wireless connection to use the new SSID and password you entered.

Also, turn on the MAC Address Access List, if it's supported. The MAC Address is a unique hardware ID for all computers, laptops, iPod - anything with networking capability. The idea is you want to add only the MAC Addresses belonging to your devices, but not your neighbor's. Your modem should have an access list feature to show you what devices are connected at any given time. Some even have a feature that lets you select a device and automatically add it to your access list. The devices will also list the name that they were assigned when you first configured them. By default, this is usually the manufacturer of the device, so it should be pretty easy for you to figure out which devices you want to add. Once you turn this on, however, if you buy a new device (e.g. new laptop) you will need to either manually add its MAC address to the list or you will have to turn the access list off for a few minutes so your new device can connect and be added to the list that way. Be sure to turn the access feature back on afterwards.|||Yes. You will need to enter the modem's software and change the encryption KEY. To enter the software you need to know the modem's IP address. The address will look something like etc. To determine the actual address, open the Run command and type cmd. This will open the Command Prompt. At the prompt, type "ipconfig /all" without the quotes and then hit enter. The address you are looking for should be assigned to the DNS server. Once you have the address, write it down. Now open an internet browser and type the address into the address bar.

Once you are into the modem's software, look under WIFI/Security. When you locate the place where the encryption KEY is located, you can change it to anything that you wish. It is best to use both letters and numbers. Also use upper and lower case letters. When you have done this, write the KEY down and store it in a save place because you will need to enter it into any and all devices that connect to the modem.

If you need better instruction, they are in the manual that came with the modem. If you don't have the manual, it can be downloaded from the modem manufacturer's web site.|||You could change the key for the wireless modem. Please get the server details of the internet connection. If you have taken BSNL connection in India you could login to and access your account to change the key.|||It all depends on make and model of your modem/router.. Please post the details

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