Sunday, December 4, 2011

Goes anyone know how to get past the password for watching DVDs on the original PS2?

I wanna watch a DVD on my original PS2, but you need a password to watch DVDs. Anyone know how to change the setting or anything?|||If the password was accidentally turned on, the default is all zeros (0000). I have had that problem.

If someone created a password (like parents), think of numbers that are significant to them. Many people make a four digit password out of their birthday. For example, if a person's birthday is on February 17, they may have "0217" as their password.

Otherwise, all I can say is take a little bit of time and go down the list (0000, 0001, 0002, etc.). It may take a couple hours, but you will eventually crack the code.

Good luck!|||Well that means that someone put a password on it which means that you can only watch them with the pass and no you cannot change that without the original password..

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